电加热管典型结构,一般由5个部分组成:绝缘子、封口材料、引出棒、填充料、电热丝、金属护套管、接线端。螺旋电热丝与引出棒位于金属护套管的中央,它的制造工艺是将螺旋型电热丝穿入无缝钢管、铜管或者铝管内,其间隙处通过多管填充机均匀地填充既绝缘又导热的氧化介质,如结晶氧化镁粉(也可用氧化铝或洁净石英砂等)。然后用缩管机将管径缩细,使氧化物介质密实(密度达到3.3g/cm3以上),保证电热丝与空气隔绝,中心位置不发生偏移而碰及管壁。这样,单位面积发热量就可增加十几倍,使用寿命也可以相应的提高至10年以上。与相同大热量的电热元件相比,pipe状electric heater可节约5%的electric heating material,而heat efficiency可达90%以上。
温控electric heater是在优质不锈钢pipe内放入electric heating element,并在空隙部分紧密地填充好的导hot performance和absolute insulation performance of magnesium oxide,再通过machine box shrink to achieve the desired process requirements. Its performance has high heat efficiency, safe and reliable, easy installation and long service life. The working temperature can reach 350°, power density <10W/cm², widely used in battery machinery, shoe machinery, plastic machinery, plastic molds, food machinery and other equipment.
Metal pipe-shaped electric heating elements are made of metal pipes (stainless steel, copper, aluminum or carbon steel) as the outer casing. The high-resistance electric heating alloy is inserted inside the pipe for heat generation. Around the electric heating wire is filled with a compacted insulating material with good thermal conductivity and electrical insulation properties such as crystalline magnesium oxide.
According to the size of the indoor space and location of objects placed indoors install heaters at appropriate positions.
Remove screws from each corner of heaters to expose mounting holes.
Fix screws on a matching mounting plate first before fixing it into position.
4.To prevent overheating caused by long-term use which may cause nearby walls to carbonize,
install heaters at least 7 cm away from any wall (including floor).
Installation height should not exceed 1.8 meters.
1., do not place heaters directly under power outlets
2., do not place them on shelves
3., avoid placing flammable or explosive damp objects on top of heaters to prevent accidents.
4., Note: Reliable grounding is required when using this product!
5., Warning: To avoid overheating,
do not cover heaters!