风子手里握着一张照片,那是最新遇害者的遗体现场。他仔细观察每一个角落,每一丝痕迹,试图找出线索。突然,他发现了一串微不足道的脚印,它们 seemingly leads to a abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town.
"我知道你们在这里藏有证据,我需要这些东西来抓捕你们的头目。" 风子说得坚定而冷静,同时保持警觉,因为他意识到自己现在处于劣势。
在回程途中,wind blowed through his hair, and raindrops pattered against his face. But he felt no chill, only a sense of satisfaction that he had uncovered more clues in this case. The mysterious organization was getting closer to being exposed, and wind knew that every step forward was crucial in solving these murders.
As he walked back into the office, wet but triumphant, wind couldn't help but smile at the thought that tomorrow might bring new challenges for him to tackle. For now though, it was time to dry off and analyze what they had just found out about this sinister plot.