但当cloud dream face to the future, she realize that there is a limit to her ability. She can only stay in a certain time period for a limited time, and then she will be pulled back to her original time. This made her feel lost and helpless, because she had grown attached to the people and places she encountered during her journey.
Cloud Dream began to search for ways to extend her stay in each era. She studied ancient magic and learned how to manipulate the fabric of time. With this newfound power, she was able to prolong her stays in different eras, but at a great cost: each additional day would take away from her own life span.
After much contemplation, Cloud Dream decided that the joy of experiencing different eras outweighed the risks associated with manipulating time. She continued on her journey through history, learning new skills and making new friends along the way. And when it was all over - when every moment had been lived out - Cloud Dream returned home with memories that would last an eternity.
In conclusion , ten thousand years of waiting may seem like an eternity; but if you are willing to embrace change and adapt with grace , even this seemingly endless wait can become a worthwhile adventure .