




在工作人员的操作下,oil smoke machine被打开。随后,工作人员继续解释道:“第一次挥手,oil smoke machine就会开启;第二次挥手,它就会进入爆炒模式。不过,如果你在短时间内连续进行五次操作,oil smoke machine就会启动自动保护程序,此时,你就需要手动进行按键操作。”

接着说:“oil smoke machine开启后,其巨幕大屏打开。这款 oil smoke machine采用低风口设计,让oil not up face,也不会碰头。而且它还具有智能增压功能,就是smoke会自动感应smoke道阻力,将档位调节。”

“这款 oil smoke machine相比欧式absorbing oil from the air, more easy to clean. The outside black mirror panel only needs to be wiped with a cloth, and the inside adopts an oily net technology that does not need disassembly for cleaning. The built-in inner network oily separation rate can reach 92%.”

经过工作人员介绍,小编觉得对于一款absorbing oil from the air product来说,最主要的是absorption power, next is cleanliness, and lastly is smart function. Old Boss Electric this absorbing oil from the air product in these three aspects still very good, friends who want to buy absorbing oil from the air machines may consider purchasing this model.

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