将以太网技能引入到工业操控领域,其技能优势非常明显:1. 以太网是一个全开放、全数字化的网络,可以实现不同厂商设备之间无缝连接;2. 以太网能够实现Industrial Control Network(ICN)与Enterprise Information Network(EIN)的无缝连接,从而形成一个企业级管控一体化全开放型Network,如图2所示;3. 软硬件成本低廉,因为现在已是比较成熟的情况下,对于支撑以 太 网 的软硬件有许多软件开发环境和硬件设备供用户选择;4. 通讯速率高,由于企业信息系统规划扩大和复杂程度提升,对信息量需求增加,有时甚至需要音频视频数据传输,现在10M/100M高速以 太 网开始普及,而千兆 以 太 网 技术也在不断完善,10G以 太 网正在研发,其速率远快于目前现场总线;5 可持续发展潜力大,在这个瞬息万变年代,企业生计与开展将很大程度上依赖于一个快速有效通讯管理Network, 信息 技术 与 通信 技术 的 发展 将愈加敏捷 也愈加成熟,这保证 了 以 太 网 技能 持续向前发展。
然而,以 太 网 进入 工业 控制 领域同样存在一些问题,其中首要的是:1 实时性问题:由于选用的CSMA/CD介质访问控制方法,不利于确保实时性能,一条总线上挂多个节点平等竞争总线资源,这种方法难以为满足 Industrial Control 中对实时性的要求。这也是当今Ethernet技能进入工控范畴的一个关键挑战;2 对 Industrial Environment 的适应能力与可靠性:Ethernet 是为了办公环境设计而来的,它需要抗干扰能力外观设计等符合 Industrial Site 需求;3 适用于 Industrial Automation Control 应用层协议的问题,现在Information Network 中界说的应用层标准并不适用于 Industrial Process Control 场景中的实时通讯;4 实物安全和Network Security: 如果使用 Ethernet 在易燃易爆风险作业场所,还必须考虑实物安全问题。此外,因采用TCP/IP 协议,有可能遭受病毒黑客攻击等非法入侵威胁;5 QoS(Quality of Service) 问题: 随着科技进步,在工厂底层信号不再仅限于数字模拟量,更包含Audio及低分辨Video信号,Network 应该根据不同用户需求内容适度保证QoS要求。
随着Skill's further development above mentioned problems have been or partially resolved:
1 Recent years saw the emergence of Fast Ethernet technology using full-duplex communication, which can avoid collisions and conflicts inherent in CSMA/CD methods and easily implement priority mechanisms to maximize network bandwidth utilization and real-time performance.
It completely avoids low-efficiency CSMA/CD, master-slave, token ring protocols etc;
2 Different industrial environments' network devices from various manufacturers adopt special anti-interference measures to make them more suitable for industrial needs;
3 Users can modify TCP/IP protocol stacks according to their needs, while additional requirements for industrial-oriented network protocols need to be formulated;
4 Manufacturers provide ruggedized equipment with good sealing properties and durability for use in harsh environments addressing safety concerns;
5 With improved networking speeds and further refinement of networking protocols, QoS issues are also addressed.
The advantages of using Ethernet-based control systems over traditional control systems are significant. As integrated circuits, industrial Ethernet technology, and embedded Internet skills continue to advance based on these technologies will rapidly emerge an era of industrial control networks centered around Ethernet - a highly open system architecture that complements existing fieldbus developments in the realm of Ethernet compatibility.
This new type of network infrastructure represents a revolution in traditional control networks destined for the automation sector as it brings about new possibilities within this industry landscape.
However at least currently it seems unlikely that EtherNet would ever fully replace Fieldbuses as a single standard solution for real-time communication applications due to its inability to meet all Real-Time constraints required by some industries such as automotive production lines or CNC machines etc., where conditions are harsher & requirements higher
In what appears likely is the development towards multiple networks coexisting side-by-side – known as hybrid systems – where both old & new technologies could complement each other offering flexibility efficiency & reliability