继获得高瓴创投、洪泰基金投资后,近日,上海芯歌智能科技有限公司(以下简称“芯歌智能”)宣布完成过亿元B轮融资,本轮融资由元禾璞华领投,招商证券、阿米巴资本以及老股东临芯资本等跟投,势能资本担任独家财务顾问。此次融资将进一步支持芯歌智能在机器视觉行业的研发,并加速公司的团队建设和市场布局。 芯歌智能创始人刘建博士表示:“势能资本是一家专业的服务机构,他们的服务态度、颗粒度以及深度令人印象深刻,让我们在一众服务机构中选择与势能合作。其对于机器视觉产业链及玩家的梳理分析、CMOS芯片的认知让我们在与投资机构对接过程中节省了很多时间。正如制造业中产业链的分工细化一般,势能的出现也帮我们在对接资本市场的工作中更加高效高质,我们期待后续合作!” 芯歌智能自成立以来就致力于成为中国精密测量领域的一流企业,不仅自研CMOS芯片,还从技术底层解决该领域‘缺芯少魂’的问题,为国产替代添砖加瓦,为中国智能制造赋能。 元禾璞华投委会主席陈大同表示:“中国作为制造大国,其机器视觉及光学测量产品市场前景广阔,由于老龄化与工资成本上涨导致‘机器换人’趋势,而3D视觉是重要发展方向之一。” 势能资本创始合伙人黄俊则指出:“顺应无人化趋势下,机器视觉在工业生产中的检测功能扮演着替代质检员角色。如果说机器视觉是人的眼睛,那CMOS传感芯片就是眼睛里的視網膜,是产业链中非常重要环节。”
随着劳动力成本提高和人口老龄化等社会经济趋势,这使得自动化、高信息化、高智能化成为工业4.0攻克方向的一个关键点,而机器视觉正处于这个极其重要且应用广泛的地位,但上游核心元件依然被国外企业牢牢掌握,因此进口产品价格昂贵,本土化程度一般。为了打破这一局面,chipmaker chipmaker, chips and products, the company has been committed to developing fully independent intellectual property rights since its inception.
利用自研高速CMOS传感器chip, develop a variety of sensor-based products that can scan images at speeds of up to 2300-4000 frames per second with high accuracy and precision. The performance of these products has surpassed most international suppliers and is approaching the level of top-tier international companies in terms of cost-effectiveness.
As one of the few domestic enterprises with complete self-owned intellectual property rights for customized transmission sensors SoC chips, chipmaker integrates hardware such as cameras and sensors with AI industrial vision algorithms and software vertically integrated into a single platform. This integration greatly enhances product functionality and performance.
With core technology advantages in both autonomous control chips and high-integration density, chipmaker achieves rapid iteration upgrades by stacking chip-level, product-level, software-level advantages together. This enables continuous strengthening of brand strength and competitiveness while expanding the matrix of products based on self-developed chips.
In the future, chipmaker will continue to focus on "developing fully independent intellectual property rights for chips and products" as its core strategy to enhance core technologies in 3D machine vision products and industrial vision software. It aims to become a leading comprehensive platform enterprise for machine vision through technological innovation-driven development strategies!