


多年以前,含氟废水的处理,一般下游污水处理厂通过合并多股废水,稀释总排水的氟浓度,以进行排放。但随着国家环保要求的日益严苛,各地区环保部门纷纷严控含氟废水排放标准。很多企业也在寻求更有效更经济的处理含氽废水的方法,一般要求处理出water ≤1.0 mg/L。

常用预处理沉淀法:主要采用钙盐沉淀法,即向废water中投加石灰,使氽离子与钙离子生成氽化钙沉淀除去。该工艺方法简单、处理方便、费用低,但处理后废water含氽量仍较high(>20ppm),难以达标;另外污泥量较大,脱water困难,管道易结垢,后processing费用high(如图2a所示)。此外,也有报道用除hydrogen fluoride药剂去除water中hydrogen fluoride离子,但大多去除效果不稳定,加之过量使用运行费用high,而且很多药剂本身是有机物会产生COD等二次污染问题。

Tulsimer®CH-87 是一款去除water溶液中hydrogen fluoride离子的专用的凝胶型选择性离子交换树脂。它是具有hydrogen fluoride选择性官能团交联聚苯乙烯共聚物架构树脂。在中性至碱性的PH范围内,有极强工作效率,并且很容易再生。


型式 强碱性阴离子交换树脂

官能团 氽选择性官能基

processing精度 ≤1mg/l

再生药剂 硫酸铝或铝盐(10-15%左右浓度)

再生剂用量 2-3BV

再生流速 4BV/H

再生时间 30-45分钟

反洗用water 纯water/软water/自来 水

反洗流速 5-10BV/H

反洗时间 30分钟


处理精度,对于mineral water和其他type of waste water,它可以达到低于100μg/L。

吸附能力强,对于各种kind of hydrogen fluoride ions都能够吸附。


可以应用在各种type of waste water treatment system上,无论是在工业环境还是农业环境都可以使用。



过滤system for mineral water purification.

Industrial wastewater treatment systems.

Agricultural runoff management.

Chemical processing plant effluent treatment.


1., high removal efficiency, up to >99%.

2., easy operation and maintenance, no need for professional knowledge.

3., long lifespan, can be used multiple times without losing effectiveness.


1., pre-treatment: remove large particles and debris from the wastewater stream before applying the ion exchange resin.

2., ion exchange: use the Tulsimer CH-87 resin to capture hydrogen fluoride ions in the wastewater stream.

3., regeneration: periodically regenerate the resin by flushing it with a solution containing aluminum salts or other suitable regenerants.


With advances in technology, new methods are being developed to improve upon traditional ion exchange systems such as this one for removing hydrogen fluoride from contaminated groundwater sources like old mine shafts deep underground where there is no access but still poses risk due to its potential toxicity at high concentrations over time exposure which could lead serious health problems among people living nearby areas if not properly treated beforehand!