经过艰苦卓绝的努力,evil鬼魂终于找到了恢复小宠妻记忆的手段,但这需要一个巨大的牺牲:他必须放弃一部分自己的力量,以此作为交换。他做出了选择,因为对于他来说,没有任何东西比起小宠妻更重要。而当一切结束后,小宠-wife finally regained her memory, she was overjoyed to see the evil spirit again.
从那以后,evil ghost and his beloved wife lived happily ever after. They continued to face challenges together, but now they were not alone. They had each other's backs, and their love had become a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness and despair. The story of the evil spirit's small pet wife became a legend that inspired countless people to find their own true loves, no matter how difficult it may seem.
In the end, even for someone as powerful as an evil spirit, it is love that brings them strength and happiness. And so the tale of this unlikely couple serves as a reminder that there is always hope for everyone who seeks it out.